Our Wheel Of The Year Rituals will be inside or outside our 177 Main Street location - A ritual & gathering to celebrate the turning of the wheel!
consider bringing an offering to add to the altar we will be creating to celebrate.
RITUAL: Our doors open for ritual at 7:00 pm - ritual starts PROMPTLY at 7:30 pm ( Some seasonal rituals have varying times !!!! )
We will have an array of seasonal treats for everyone in attendance. Consider bringing an offering to add to the altar we will be creating to celebrate or to share with other community members
Mischa (our owner ) and members of our community will open space and help facilitate ritual. This is a very special ritual to honor the turning of the wheel.
We do ask for a sliding scale donation ( suggestion $10) BUT, this ritual is for our entire community. If all you can bring is yourself and your energy that’s all we need.
The store will stay open for shopping after ritual til 9 pm.
Imbolc :: Friday February 2nd :: 7:30 pm
Ostara :: Tuesday March 19th :: 7:30 pm
Beltane :: Sunday April 28th :: 2pm & 6:30pm
Litha : Friday June 21st :: 7:30 pm
Lughnasadh :: Friday August 2nd :: 7:30 pm
Mabon :: Friday September 20th :: 7:30 pm
Samhain :: Thursday October 31st :: 7:30 pm
Yule :: Saturday December 21st :: 7:30 pm
When we say everyone is welcome - everyone is welcome . We can’t wait to see you
177 & 183 Main Street . Northampton Ma
Because so many of you want to attend we are suggesting tickets - you can grab them at right on the homepage . This is really so we can be better prepared to give as many of you as possible a great experience!
Crafted with Care & Purpose